Happy Birthday to you, my wild, strong willed, sweet hearted, special little boy. You are not a toddler anymore, but a preschooler. In my heart you will always be my first baby. You came into our lives 3 years ago today and have taught us more about life than I ever thought imaginable. You made us parents and for that we are so thankful. Your pregnancy was super easy (unlike your brother) and you barely moved when you were inside of me. I thought for for sure you would come out with a halo over top of your head, but boy was I mistaken! ;) You came out with the "pouty lip" as we call it and still see that same look today 3 years later.
You, Alexander, are witty. You come up with things everyday that knock your parents off their feet. You know your colors, ABC's, can recognize all upper case letter although you still struggle with lower case ones, can count to 20, you can recognize most shapes, can read me books that you are very familiar with, can go to all our different vegetable plants and explain to me what each one is and how it is currently doing, you are fully daytime potty trained, and you still love Mickey Mouse Clubhouse just as you did as an infant. You also still love books! You love outside and if given the chance, would stay out there, maybe even live out there. You can't get enough of fire trucks, air planes, and helicopters in books and from afar, but when given the chance to hop in to one of those you are not such a brave little boy anymore.
One special thing about you is that you LOVE music. I am pretty sure you are musically talented. For the past year you could sing songs that you have heard a couple times and can drum beats of songs on the table while you wait for you meals to be made.You also still loved to be sung to. When we lay you down for your nap/bedtime you often say, "Sing that song to me like when I was a baby." And we will sing "Jesus Loves Me" to you, just like we have everyday for the past 3 years.
You my love, are strong willed and tender hearted all at the same time. From day one you have had strong determination, and although hard on Mommy and Daddy, I know it will be an attribute down the road. You also have a sweet, loving, tender side. You hate to see people upset, in pain and have most of time been nothing but loving to your little brother who came in fast and stole your thunder. You will run up to me throughout the day, wrap your arms around my legs and exclaim how much you love me. Melts my heart every single time. You accepted Camden and all his special needs from the beginning and it was a blessing beyond measure. I am pretty sure you can't ever remember life without your best friend.
One of the biggest qualities about you Alexander is your outgoing personality. You LOVE everyone. You have never, ever met a stranger. You will talk to anyone and everyone who will listen and want to befriend them. When we are out you will try to carry on a conversation with anyone, ask them to come to your house to play and even sometimes go as far as to try and hold their hands. Although I sometimes worry you would go off with a stranger if given the chance, I know that this quality too will be a huge attribute to you in life.
Lastly, Alexander I want you to know how much we love you. The terrible two's with you were not so terrible at all. They were actually terrific. I think we might have it coming with 3's! Don't get me wrong it wasn't easy, but we loved every second of you being two. Camden was born less than a week after you turned two and you kept us going through all the hard times with him. Thank you for that my love! God gave us you first for a reason. You made us laugh everyday and we simply couldn't imagine life without our surprise baby. You look exactly like your Daddy and Mommy wouldn't have it any other way. We love you more than you will ever know and we look forward to spending this next year with you. Happy 3rd Birthday Alexander. You are Mommy and Daddy's heart! <3
Alexander Joseph 3 days old |
3 months |
6 months |
1 year |
18 months |
2 years |
2.5 |