Apparently Alexander is VERY allergic to something as he had these horrible welts/hives all over this trunk, legs and feet. Alexander has had hives several times before, but nothing like this. We didn't know WHAT to do and his party was only hours away. He was moaning in pain and itching ...and we were utterly shocked. I'm usually a "wait and see approach" kind of Momma before heading to the docs, so we decided to give him benadryl (which by the way undoubtly makes him very tired/grumpy as one would expect) and see if it got worse. They went down a little but we kept him dosed very 4 hrs to keep his hives down for the party which was outside in June. Thankfully the weather was AMAZING. But the poor thing was miserable and I felt so bad as he had been counting down the days to his party for 3 months! And the whole time at the party I was questioning my "momma instincts" on if I made the right decision not taking him to the doctor...wondering the whole time if we would end up in the ER that night. All in all he was as happy as he could have possibly been given the circumstances and I tried to smile and act like I wasn't honestly worried to death about him! ;)
Even though circumstances weren't as planned, we still had a great time! We got to see lots of family, eat good food and the boys were blessed beyond measure with wonderful gifts! It was so good to see faces that I hadn't seen in almost a year due to all the circumstances with Camden's LM. I wanted to run up and hug each person over and over again...and I think I actually might have hugged a few people like 3 times...sorry about that! ;) We kept the party pretty short as we didn't really want Alexander to get to hot and were unsure of honestly what was going on with him. Alexander talks about his monkey birthday party every day and about all the family who were there and how he loves all his new presents! He also wants to know if his next birthday is here yet so we can get more presents!? lol Thank you, thank you, thank you to all the family who helped us go bananas for the boys birthday! Here is a little glimpse of our Birthday fun!