If the Lord has taught me anything over the past couple years, it's that life is a blessing. It is a blessing, one that should not be taken for granted. In my mind we didn't really "celebrate" my birthday yesterday, but the fact that the Lord blessed me with another year of life. A life with my soulmate, two AMAZING boys and friends and family who love me.
Early in the week my MIL came over with blessings galore! She came in with dinner for the next couple nights, birthday cake, ice cream, presents,to watch the kids so I could go on a cleaning rampage, then Friday for Ant and I to go on a date! Talk about a BLESSING! I didn't know what to thank her for more..the presents, the fact that I didn't have to cook for 3 nights, the birthday cake and ice cream, or letting the crazy boys crawl all over her while I dug through closets that hadn't been cleaned out since we moved in. Needless to say, I was one HAPPY momma! Thanks Nana!
Friday, Saturday and Sunday were filled with dates and family time. Friday, Ant and I went out just the two of us and shopped till we dropped, enjoying each others company. Saturday, Grammy, Poppy and Uncle J came over for a visit. Sunday, was filled with a trip to the airport to see the air planes (per Alexander's request) and a visit to Stony Point to listen to live music, stroll around the mall, and walk around the fountains (Alexander's fave part).
I have so much to be thankful for and am looking forward to what the Lord has in store for year 26! Did I really just say 26? uuugghhh ;)
Alexander helped me blow out all 26 candles. |
Alexander wanted to share his snack with a duck and they came in a herd! |