Wow! It just can't be! 11 months...I was in complete denial until I started writing this post. It is so hard for me to believe that you, Camden Thomas, are going to be a toddler next month. That you will no longer be my baby anymore. Yet, I love watching you grow. You get sweeter by the day and give kisses like its your job in life. You look forward all day to Dadda walking through the front door and you put on a show when he does. You love your Momma, Dadda is your hero and you think the world revolves around your big bro. It shows in every hug, kiss and giggle you give every single day.
Camden, you are a charmer for sure. You LOVE women, not so much men. I think those big blue eyes are gonna give the ladies are run for their money one day. And sorry son, but you look more like your mother all the time. Your crazy, funny personality has shown through even more this month and it has been so much fun!
You, my sweet boy, have inspired me in so many ways. You have taught me that life is short and tomorrow is never guaranteed. Through you the Lord has been convicting my heart about home schooling you and your bother. Something that I thought I would never do or ever desired to do, but am now earnestly praying about.
I look forward to watching you grow into your own little person, only having one wish for you life...that you love the Lord with all your heart, body and mind. That you will be a light in this oh so dark world for him.
Favorite things: Little People Noah's Ark set, Jumping Zebra, the plastic chicken leg and your Brother's tent.
Favorite food: Chex mix, waffles, crackers, rice cakes, any cereal, carbs, carbs, carbs
Least favorite Food: You hate all baby food right now...yet you refuse to eat any fruits or veggies cut up. You spit out all the purees in disgust and smile when we pull out your loved waffles. You are and apparently always will be my finicky eater.
Favorite things to do: take big brother's toys, catching bubbles, being outside, going to feed the smile when they waddle by, hide with big brother in the tent, play with grandparents, take a bath in the big boy bath tub... you scream when Dadda pulls you out and go on any type of errand.
New things/Milestones: you are still belly crawling, not pulling up yet, have began to sign "more" and wave bye-bye :)
Happy 11 months Camden. Even though I will cry buckets when you turn 1, I will be thankful that it's just one more month we have been blessed to spend with you!