Monday, January 23, 2012

A momma hug...

    Every time I get on fb or talk with an old friend I find out someone from high school is pregnant or just had a baby! Its hard to believe we are all grown up and starting our own families. As I have mentioned before I love keeping up with girlfriends from high schools, especially watching their little bellies grow through fb pictures! I often get messages from friends asking what my number one "must have" thing is when having a baby. I often throw out all the materialistic things that come to mind that I couldn't possibly live without. But the more I get asked, the more I realize the most important thing through my last two pregnancies and raising my two beautiful boys is a mommy network.
   When Alexander was born I really didn't understand what I was getting myself into. I was lost in a sea of random idea that were thrown my way by people that had good intentions. After many tears, "I can't do this thoughts," colicky nights that I just didn't understand and struggles, I finally found an online mommy group with babies exactly Alexander's age that I absolutely loved! I often found myself texting my girlfriend Amber to see if she was going through the same thing with her daughter that we were going through. What a relief it was having a close friend that often said "yea us too!" Now  2.5 years later one of my best friends has a daughter that is almost 2 and my other best friend has 4 kids! I also have lots of LM support groups online.  I am absoluly blessed.
    My point is, yes a moby is good to have, yes a swaddleme blanket is something that will come in handy, but what you NEED is a momma network. What you need is a momma that is in the line of fire right along with you, not only one that is out! What you need is someone to vent to about how you got no sleep, that baby cried all night and you are so tired you could barely lift your DECAF cup of coffee up to your mouth, only for them to sigh and say they completely understand. I mean who doesn't need someone to talk to about their newborns constantly changing poop?! :)What you need is someone who tells you "this to shall pass" or "this is what worked for us." We need to reach out to each other, help each other, support each other, even if your parenting philosophies are completely different. My best friend Alli often says, "Us Mommas have to stick together!" She is right, its simply to hard on your own, and as much as we love our husbands, they will never understand! So if you come across fb comments of a momma really struggling, have a church friend that needs some advice, or know something that could make life easier for a her network, listen, tell her you understand, give advice and sometimes even give her a momma hug. :)


  1. And that's exactly why you always get texts from me! With our children being pretty much the exact same age, and with you being such a sweet-hearted, understanding, christian friend...I know I can always go to you! Thanks for that =)

  2. Aww your welcome Amber! I have loved having kids close in age with you also! It was fun being pregnant together too! lol I am thankful for you! :)
