Happy Thursday ya'll!
Its OK...
that when my almost 3 year old asks me for the hundredth time "Why" I eventually decide to respond with "That is the question of the day isn't it?"
that I hate going to the doctor SO much that I called 3 different nurses to clarify if I REALLY needed to go see my OBGYN. Thankfully the third one told me no and in the end she was right!
that one of my best friends asked me yesterday if I wanted some Amish friendship bread and at first I thought "free home cooked bread!? Why yes, I would love some!" Only for her to tell me that I have to cook it and I laughed and told her No thanks!
that Anthony keeps me updated on the news b/c even though I stay home all day I don't watch one min of tv...not one...seriously.
that as I was washing my hands this morning Alexander decided to pull my pants down mid rinse! It's also ok that I was so shocked I didn't know how to respond!
that sometimes the only way I make it through the day with a 2 year old and 9.5 month old is lots of praying, way to much chocolate and my best friend Alli.
that even though I don't have a newborn anymore I sometimes still lay in bed at night and question whether I took a shower that day.
that I eat oatmeal for breakfast and have everyday for the last 5 years!
that Ant and I have been married 4 years in August and I have been pregnant or breastfeeding all but 4 months of those 4 years! Can we say hello hormones? Sorry babe!
that I love my mini van and couldn't imagine my life without it!
that I have seriously BROKEN every single cell phone I have ever owned.
that I am 99.9999999% sure I am done having kids and Anthony will randomly bring up having a third!