Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sunshine, popsicles and grace!

                We have been eating up the BEAUTIFUL weather here at the Fahed household! We have been practically living outside and the boys are enjoying it soooo much! I have a feeling its going to be one HOT summer, so we are trying to take advantage of it while we can! 
           The past few days we have been picnicking outside, digging in the dirt and taking turns going for rides in the tricycle.  One of my favorite moments this week was watching Alexander share his popsicle with Camden. The look on Camden's face was priceless when the cold lemon popsicle touched his tongue. Alexander and I laughed and laughed. Camden laughed too, after he got over the shock.
    Later I sat there watching Alexander laugh in delight with his little red face, blonde curly hair, the popsicle began to melt and run down his chubby arm. He was so happy and the moment was so innocent. I couldn't help but smile and feel the abundance of joy that filled my heart. I sat there soaking it all in, taking snapshots in my mind, hoping that I will never forget him at this fun stage.  It's moments like this that make it all worth while.  It's times like these I have to stop and thank God for the moment of grace. Moments like this, where time freezes and it's as if nothing else matters. It's moments like these that get me through the days, the weeks, and the months of motherhood. 

This what handsome looks like!

"Ugh, what was that?"

Camden trying to steal Alexander's lunch!

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